
Hope in the dark places of life.

Hope in the Dark Places of Life

You are not alone in this journey of life.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

About Me.

I live in a little farmhouse that was built by my father-in-law and my husband almost 40 years ago. When my father-in-law passed away from dementia in April 2021, we bought the house and 13 acres. We are working to make beautiful memories here with our growing family. We have wide open spaces where our grandchildren, dog, cat and chickens can run to their heart’s content.

From the outside looking in, one would think that ours has always been a charmed, happy life. Most of us tend to share the highpoints of our lives and leave out the ugly, messy parts.

I would love nothing more than to erase certain parts of my story, but I have learned that it has been through the trials where God has molded me into the woman I am today. Childhood abuse, my mother’s death, thoughts of suicide, bullying, low self-esteem, divorce, selfishness, poor choices, near death experiences and so much more are all woven in my past, but God didn’t leave me in those places of darkness. He carved a path for me to His loving embrace. I just had to choose Him. I have so much hope to share with you. Please join me.

In July 2023, we were honored to share our testimony of healing and second chances.

Contact me

I would love to hear your story. Reach out to me at:
